
Thursday, September 27, 2012

It Won't Hurt, I Promise

Do you see the change? To my blog page. Do you see it?

My lovely niece asked me if there was a way to get automatically emailed when I and Dancer Daughter publish new posts. So, because of that question I set off in search of the answer.

And by 'in search of the answer', I mean Mr. Google. He has become a constant friend who makes me look smarter than I really appear.

So, without further babbling.......I present ------>>>>

Just enter your email address in the box and hit submit. You'll then receive an email asking you to verfiy that you really did want to get posts from little ol' me into your inbox. And, when you think about that last statement, you may need to take a moment to look deeply into your life. If you still decide you want to get posts from me into your inbox, then click on the link in that verifying email. I'm sure you'll want to know the minute I post something so go on...don't be afraid....

In my research with Mr. Google, Blogger will not sell your email addy to anyone. You're welcome. Now you can sleep tonight. Phew!

When I mentioned this new discovery to Writer/Cos Daughter, she did her best not to laugh at her old mother. She knew this. She has utilized this gadget on her Mod Style Lounge blog. I could feel her pity. But, yet she never told me of this handy-dandy tool for the public. Yeah, what's up with that, Daughter?!

In other news more worthy than a little box with a submit button besides it....

Dancer Daughter who is now serving a term with YWAM (Youth With A Mission) has a blog to keep us all updated on her experiences with YWAM. You can check it out here. A box with a submit button will be coming to her blog in the near future. I'm sure you'll enjoy seeing her blog posts pop into your inbox.

Well, have a wonderful day.

1 comment:

  1. So excited your blog has this feature! Now I won't miss any posts!
