
Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Busy Yet?

photo courtesy of Dancer Daughter/Season Photography

The month is usually filled to the brim.

Company and family Christmas parties. Baking and cooking. Cooking and baking. Friends getting together to celebrate Christmas and friendship. Shopping. Extra services at church. Concerts and plays. And, more shopping. Last, but not least, finding time for family movie time. It has become a December tradition.

The list could really go on and on and on and....

Sometimes, it's all so overwhelming.

During this busyness, it is easy to forget to get together with the One who has made this all possible. God.

We started a nightly Advent reading. We did great until the last few nights. Hence, what got me thinking about the busy.

The Advent reading is a Jesse Tree reading. It takes one from the beginning of the world to the birth of Jesus. When we read about The Fall (Adam & Eve eat the forbidden fruit) in Genesis 3:1-21, I was struck by something I never thought much of before. In verse 9, God asked "Where are you?"


Where am I (we) that we couldn't take 10 minutes to "do" the Advent readings?

Where am I that I am short on patience and long in temper because I haven't spent time with God?

Ouch, again!

God is always with us. Always. No matter the circumstance. Good, bad or ugly. He never leaves us. Where am I?

I read a blog post today from Shannon Primicerio called Finding Jesus. Please click on her name to read the won't be sorry.

May we all take time to find Jesus through all the busy.

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