
Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Christmas is Coming to Town

Did you know Christmas is 14 days away. Yup, I checked here and it says it is so it must be true.

But, did you know Spring is only 100 days away? Whaaattt?! I know. Minding.blowing. Now that is something I can get excited about!

Okay, back to Christmas. How are you doing? Presents, decorations, Christmas cards/letters to mail, menu planning, baking....stress levels?

Just a word (or three) of advice/encouragement: It's okay not to do all the "traditions" that everyone else does. It's okay not to feel 100% joyful during this time of jolly when you feel as though breathing and taking the next step is all you can do. Yet, if you want to light every corner of your house and yard...go for it. Don't worry about what others are "doing" or not "doing".

What if we gave more than we received. What if we knew a family struggling to take that next step and we stepped in to help make Christmas special for their children and them. What if we just smiled at a person and said hello instead of numbly and hurriedly walking past.

Remember the whole reason we celebrate Christmas. Jesus was born. God's Son. God's gift to us. God loves you so much. Breathe that in. Think about His unending love and grace. Let that be your Christmas. Let that be your 365 days of the year.

And, then remember....only 100 days until spring!!! ☺

Monday, December 8, 2014

When it doesn't seem fair

I'm sorry. I'm sorry your team didn't get in the final tournament. I'm sorry if you are a player for a team that didn't do well. It's very disappointing. It's okay to feel that way....for a time. What ifs won't help. Look ahead, not behind. Easier said than done? You bet.

I'm not belittling your feelings. I'm not. Really. Everyone has disappointments. Everyone has failures. Most of us want to cry when things are hard. It's okay. It's hard for you, right now. Give yourself some time.

When I'm going through 'stuff', I find it helpful to look outside of myself and my circumstance:

  • I'm loved by the King, the Creator of the universe and me. Will I have trials? You bet. It's a fallen world.
  • Others have it far worse:
    • Homelessness
    • Being sold into slavery - here and in other countries
    • Illnesses that are not curable or seem to drag on forever
    • Racism and reverse racism
    • All sexual sins
    • Wondering where and when the next meal will come from
    • Loss of a job and can't find work
    • Not being able to provide gifts for your children
    • Pain that will not go away no matter the medication
    • Loss of loved ones through death, kidnapping, estranged relationship
    • and the list could go on and on....
  • This trial will make me stronger, braver, help me understand others better and will change me even if I can't see the joy in the situation at the moment. 
  • Perhaps God will use this time in my life to help someone who is or will be going through the same thing I am.
A little dose of perspective always helps me. 

What are some things you do or think about when going through a rough patch?